Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun Things To Do At A Sleepover

Have you ever tried to have a sleepover wih your girlfriends but it was a flop? I have tons of experience with sleepovers, so I'd figure that I would share some advice on activities, food, and more with the world wide web.

Truth or dare.

Put on loud music and dance to it. Make sure to play high-energy music everybody agrees on that makes you wanna move your body.

Make up your own choreography to a song.

Pillow fight! xD those are ALWAYS fun.

Stuffed animal fights also.

Draw silly pictures of each other.

If you have a pool, don't hesitate to go swimming. You can play games such as Marco Polo and mermaids. Or even better: splash fight! If the water's too cold, dare the most chicken of the guests to jump in. Many laughs to come.

Freeze dance!

Karaoke! If you don't have a machine, find the instrumentals of the songs you're looking for on YouTube. Even better, have the group write a song and then all sing it together. =D

Make Jewelry for each other. (if you don't have beads, there's endless selections at Micheals.)

When it gets dark, play ditch 'em. (hide and go seek tag that doesn't start over and you can move from your hiding spots.)

If you're all for scaring your pants off, watch paranormal activity. Some other good horror movies are The Shining, The Haunting and Scream. You can always watch Freaky Friday, Cinderella Story and Mean Girls are all good sleepover movies. Rent a cheesy romantic comedy. If you're worried your friends won't like your movie selection, ask each friend to bring a movie and you can choose from there.

Play video games! Just Dance works if you have that. Or bowling, that's always fun. DDR? Lol.

Food =D

Make sure there's lots of snacks and drinks. Get soda, water, chips and candy. My favorite chips are BBQ, Takes and cheddar. Also, Trisects and pepperoni, shredded cheese, bananas and watermelon. Celery and peanut butter. <3 Carrots. My favorite candies are Reese's, M&M's and Hershey's. xD I guess I'm just a chocolate person. For soda, get Sprite, Orange, Pepsi, Root Beer, and Dr. Pepper so there's a variety. Maybe you can make soda floats! GOOD TRUTH OR DARE IDEA: chug the soda.

Order pizza whenever everybody is hungry. If there are vegetarians in the group, don't forget to get vegetarian pizza! Usually you're good if you get cheese, pepperoni, meat lovers and hawaiian. I reccomend Hungry Howie's.


Make ice cream sundaes! (buy ice cream and a bunch of toppings.) I like Brier's and Blue Bunny ice cream. Get a couple different kinds (including vanilla) so there's variety. Then have your own mini cold stone in your kitchen and go crazy with different toppings. If you're feeling adventurous, buy random things you might not think to put on ice cream and try it out. I recommend gummy worms, lots of fruit, and of course whipped cream and maraschino cherries.

In the morning: pancakes and bacon, home made. Everybody loves chocolate chip.

Lesbian experimentation....JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!

Play chain story! Sit in a circle. Pick somebody to start (not it, hand in a bowl,) and go clockwise. The starting person says, "once upon a time, there was....and they make something up. Then you go around the cirlce, each adding to the story.

Don't Let The Balloon Touch The Floor.

Make a friggen bff club dude. It can be for whatever you're passionate about. And have meetings at every sleepover (:.

Go outside sit on the edge of the sidewalk and yell at cars. Its very entertaining when you're bored and there's endless possibilities as to what you could yell. It's especially fun if you're in a ghetto area and you see a large white van, holding a thumbs-up.

You should totally go to the park and build a giant sand castle and rate guys you see there on a scale of one to ten. Even better, play ditch eM at the park. And if you have a bike, you can ride it there. Ask your friends to bring their bikes, too, so that they don't feel left out! At the park, you can play a game on the swings to see who can kick their shoes off the farthest.

If nothing is happening for a while you can always start a big conversation about whatever is on your mind. Talk about life, school, cute boys, the government, cute boys, your dreams, your passions, your troubles, your pet peeves, cute boys…whatever.

You can do a confession game, where you confess either stuff you didn't know, something you lied about, or something you have always wanted to tell your friends. Also, say nice things about each other. This can be really self-esteem raising, and can get emotional, so beware(:

Play speed (it's a card game.) or apples to apples that's super fun. UNO attack never fails, and if your friends have the patience you can play Monopoly. There's also sorry and other board/card games, those are just my favorite.
Would you rather=classic sleepover game.

Make overs! Classic sleepover stuff. Also, do each others nails! Don't forget about hair!!!

Dress-up is also fun. Raid your closet for your most outrageously fancy clothes and try them on. After you dress up and do makeovers, do a fashion show! Be sure to take lots of pictures and tell the other girls how pretty they are. It'll make your friends who need a self-confidence boost feel like a pretty princess.

After you do pretty make-overs, put make-up on each others faces that looks really silly. Make it so ridiculous you guys look like clowns. Then get all your wild stuffed animals and your cat/dog if you have one and put on a Circus.

Take turns telling cheesy jokes.

Do drugs.

Get drunk.

Hit somebody over the head with a stop sign and pretend it's April fool's day.

Prank calls! But only call people you know that will think its funny, and make sure to *67 it so there's no caller ID.

Play "shots." Select one concoctionist and one one tester. (Select via eenie meenie minie moe, bubble gum, etc.) The concoctionist will get a cup. Then he or she will raid the cabinets for gross combinations. The next person will be blindfolded (tie a pillow case around their head) and down the shot. It can be fun and really gross at the same time.

Baking time!! Cupcakes and cookies are especially fun to make.

Get some paper. Start drawing something, and have everybody else try to guess what you're drawing. Aka: piccionary. Many laughs to come.

Have a contest to see who can stay up the longest. If one person falls asleep before everyone else, draw on their face.

Play spies on the neighbors.

Ding dong ditch on their house. And TP it.

When everybody goes to sleep, set up blankets in the living room so it looks sorta like a tent. It'll be really cool. Make your own little fort!

Or if you've got a cool backyard, sleep outside! You can start a fire and roast marshmallows, too. Tell stories around it, whether they're ghost or not. Make each other laugh in your conversations. Be as silly as possible. That's why I recommend tons of sugar.

If you get really bored, play Polly Pockets. It's really fun if you just use your imagination. I've done it at sleepovers even when I was a teenager. :D

Remember, be chill and go with the flow. Don't be bossy, and majority rules. Have common courtesy.
Most importantly: HAVE FUN!!! Cause that's what you're having the sleepover for. (:

Go here for fun truth or dare ideas.…
Amazing cupcake recipe: Http://